In this Article, We’re going to see
How to encrypt data with Node.js built-in library called
'crypto'. and decrypt it using that same with Node.js built-in library
called 'crypto'. when necessary.
When it comes to storing anything sensitive, whether it be data or
something else, you must do so safely and securely. For example,
the Register/Login data must be encrypted first and then decrypted
when used.
For Demo & Source Code Scroll down.
#Creating a New Node.js Project
with Crypto Dependencies
We’re going to create a fresh project to work with
Crypto where you will see how to
encrypt & decrypt data. To start, Execute the
following command:
npm init -y
The above command will create a new package.json file and
initialize our project. We’re going to be making use of the
Node.js Crypto library for any and all cipher and decipher logic.
To install the dependency, execute the following from the command
npm install crypto --save
Finally, we need to start build our project. We have all necessary
files to be used while making this. For project cleanliness, we’re
going to create a Functions for all encryption
and decryption that will instantiate. When we need to Encrypt or
Decrypt our data
#Encrypting and Decrypting Data
with an Cipher Algorithm
We’re going to be using modern JavaScript for this example which
means we’re going to create an ES6 class for our
encryption and decryption logic.
Create & Open the project’s crypt.js file and include following
const crypto = require('crypto');
const secret = 'appSecretKey';
const rounds = 9921;
const keySize = 32;
const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
const salt = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(secret).digest("hex");
Here, we’re going to be offering synchronous and asynchronous
methods for encrypting and decrypting a file. Also we define above
that we going to use aes-256-cbc algorithm
Now, if we want to encrypt a JavaScript object on disk. If we
wanted to do this synchronously, we would look at the encrypt
function below:
function encryptData(data) {
try {
let iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
let key = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(secret, salt, rounds, keySize, 'sha512');
let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, Buffer.from(key), iv);
let encryptedData = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(JSON.stringify(data)),]);
return iv.toString('base64') + ':' + encryptedData.toString('base64');
catch (err) {
return false;
In the above coed, we define that we want to use an
AES algorithm. Because we want to save to a file,
we want to create a buffer from our plaintext data. Once we have
an encrypted buffer, we can write to the file system & return a
We’re creating a cipher within the function. After we call we are not able to use the cipher in future.
Because of this, we’ll get random results if we create a class
variable for it and try to use it multiple times.
To decrypt this file, we would call the decrypt method:
function decryptData(encData) {
try {
let textParts = encData.split(':');
let iv = Buffer.from(textParts.shift(), 'base64');
let encryptedData = Buffer.from(textParts.join(':'), 'base64');
let key = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(secret, salt, rounds, keySize, 'sha512');
let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, Buffer.from(key), iv);
let decryptedData = decipher.update(encryptedData);
decryptedData = Buffer.concat([decryptedData,]);
return JSON.parse(decryptedData.toString());
catch (err) {
return false;
In the above function we are reading the file into a buffer,
decrypting it with the AES algorithm, and returning the decrypted
object back to the user.
#Here is the Example to use encrypt
and decrypt data.
var dataObj = {}; = ''; = 2451;
var encrytedText = encryptData(dataObj);
console.log(`Encrypted text - ${encrytedText}`);
console.log(`Decrypted text: `);
You just saw how to encrypt and decrypt data with the Node.js
Crypto library. This is very useful & secure when you need to
encrypt sensitive data. For example, let’s say we wanted to create
an Register/login Application & want to save Username & Password.
We could in this scenario & this to just remove all security
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