In this Article, learn
React + Redux codebase containing real world examples
(CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the
RealWorld spec and API.
All assets are provided with detailed explanation & full
source code by
For Demo & Source Code Scroll down.
#Getting started
To get the frontend running locally:
1. Clone this repo from github (Download Link given below)
- 2. npm install
- 3. npm start
Local web server will use port 4100 instead of standard
React's port 3000 to prevent conflicts with some backends
like Node or Rails. You can configure port in scripts
section of package.json: we use cross-env to set environment
variable PORT for React scripts, this is Windows-compatible
way of setting environment variables.
#Making requests to the
backend API
If you need to change the API URL to a local server, simply
edit src/agent.js and change API_ROOT to the local server's
Now let's define structure of login form.
# Functionality
1. Authenticate users via JWT (login/signup pages + logout
button on settings page)
2. CRU* users (sign up & settings page - no deleting
3. CRUD Articles
4. CR*D Comments on articles (no updating required)
5. GET and display paginated lists of articles
6. Favorite articles
7. Follow other users
You will get all files,
when you
download the source code.
And after than you can edit it according to you
if you face any issues you can
contact by
asking question with article link.
You can go through Demo as
well as Download source
code for the same & make changes according to you