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Upload Youtube Video using PHP

Hints Staff
6 years ago

Upload Youtube Video using PHP

If you are looking for a solution to upload video on youtube via your own website. Then you are at right place.

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In this Article, I'm going to provide PHP Code for upload youtube video using API

YouTube Data API provides an easy way to upload video to YouTube from the website using Google API Client Library. In this tutorial, we will show how you can upload video to YouTube from web application using PHP. Our example code will use the Google API PHP Client Library to upload video on YouTube from the website using PHP.

Please follow below steps before using Youtube Video Script

  • 1. Get the OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET from google developer console and replace them with the variable mention in both php file.
  • 2. Then install the composer.
  • 3. Install the youtube library by command - composer require google/apiclient:^2.0
  • 4. Run the list_streams.php it will return you the credentails.
  • 5. Replace them with the token.txt file and save it.
  • 6. Now you are ready to use all 3 functions mention in the youtube.php according to your requirement.

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